Here we post news, press and media related to The Better Org and The Better Org team.
In March 2023, as part of the dialogue around International Women's Day, The Better Org and the Racial Equity Index published a Medium article exploring the phenomena of 'The New Glass Cliff' , where BIPOC Women leaders are being placed into leadership positions alongside White Women often to much celebration, fanfare, and back-patting by organisations, only for these BIPOC women leaders to be positioned as ‘buffers’ for their White Women leadership partners, and left to absorb and manage the toxic work environments and the ridiculous leadership demands, with little recognition, and an utter lack of support.
Read the full article here.
March 2023
In February 2023, we were featured in Devex in an article titled "What your organization can do to address racism in 2023".
Our Founder and CEO Tina and our Senior Consultant Uma, share 6 foundational practices an organisation should think about and start to implement, in partnership with our partner's at TSIC.
Read the full article here.
February 2023
We're incredibly proud to present this partnership with our friends at The Racial Equity Index.
"Our partnership will combine specific expertise in transforming system wide practice through the advocacy and development of racial equity accountability systems."
The new collaborative learning partnership between The Racial Equity Index and The Better Org allows delving deeper into the manifestations of racial (in)equity within the global development space, shifting beyond the industry DEI standard.
Read the full blog here.
November 2022
What happens when the increase of Diversity initiatives leads to greater conflict? Studies show that Increased diversity that leads to greater conflict can cause diversity fatigue. Who is responsible for creating more peaceful outcomes?
We joined Chinonye Egbulem of Bloomwell Health, and June Benjamin of Peace IQ to unpack: The expectation of unpaid peace work and conflict management from women of color, DEI consultants, and BIPOC employees and leadership.
October 2022
In 2020 Wellcome made a statement recognising that they have perpetuated racism, and made a commitment to becoming an anti-racist organisation. In an effort to assess progress against these commitments, in 2021 Wellcome commissioned The Social Investment Consultancy (TSIC) and The Better Org (TBO) to undertake an evaluation of efforts to date. TSIC and TBO were supported in this endeavour by advisory from Lyn Cole Consultancy.
In August 2022, following the publication of the evaluation report, Wellcome publicly recognised that it had perpetuated racism, acknowledging that there is structural racism within Wellcome and the wider research system.
Read the full press release here.
August 2022
Read the full report here.
"Any understanding of the positionality of organisations within any space that has historical and significant power imbalances, has to take into account the historical and socio-cultural context which underpins the 'position' the organisation inhabits or the role it plays within that space. "
Invited to share our views, we join Cath Moulogo her Hub Cymru Africa colleagues Faith Israel from Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel, Claire O'Shea.
Listen below.
August 2022
To celebrate the launch of the Building Inclusive Cultures training programme co-developed with Bond, the membership organisation for UK development organisations, Tina Ajuonuma co-wrote an blog post with Lena Bheeroo, Bond's Anti-Racism and Equity Manager, arguing for the inclusion interventions in global development to be intentional and equitable.
'Being inclusive and equitable means intentionally creating the space and processes that allow for employees who are under-represented or marginalised to make contributions, and for their contributions to carry as much weight as others do in their organisations. It means recognising that employees experience the organisational culture differently, depending on where they sit in the organisation. It means questioning how the organisation does or doesn’t acknowledge and make space for their identities and experiences. It also means acknowledging that existing organisational policies and practices may have negative impacts on under- represented or marginalised employees, and making adjustments and providing support to ensure those employees are treated fairly'.
October 2021
Read the full blog post here
In 2021 Tina Ajuonuma sat down to speak with Signe Jung Sorensen about compassion, leadership, and the importance of taking action.
"Compassion is a necessary element of authentic and inclusive leadership. As a leader it is not enough to just feel sympathy and empathy for colleagues and those you lead, you also need to use your influence and the tools at your disposal to make a difference"
May 2021
Read the full interview here
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